Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fridays Appt / Minor Speed Bump

My partner and I went to our Doctor's Appt on Friday and had an HSS and an SIS test done. These tests are done to check a woman's Fallopian Tubes and Uterus.

They check the uterus by using a catheter and put alittle salt water in the uterus and for the fallopian tubes they push some air bubbles through and you watch it on a sonogram.

Her fallopian tubes are all clear but when they check her uterus they found a Polyp.

Polyp: "A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane"

 A polyp acts as an IUD when it comes to getting pregnant. There is a less than 1% chance a woman will be able to get pregnant with a polyp present. If the woman does get pregnant her chance of a miscarriage is 99% due to the fact that the egg cannot properly implant.

This find will in fact move our insemination back another month, but the surgical procedure (DNC) to remove the polyp will actually increase our chances of pregnancy on the first try by almost 68%, crazy.
We were pretty bummed when they found it, but our doctor was unbelievably happy that we opted in for the test because we would have been wasting our time and money. We asked our doctor if most couples opt out of the HSS and SIS and she said quite a few do because they think that they are young and nothing could be wrong. When she told us this, we were flabbergasted, I mean why not know its not cheap to undergo fertility treatment even if you have no known infertility issues.

I hope that anyone who reads this and has the choice of whether or not to get this test...does!


  1. I followed your link from your post on the Cali Cryobank Forum and my wife and I think that your blog is wonderful. As I posted on the forum we have hit a few bumps in the road too and find that with each visit we learn something new. We look forward to following your blog and wish you both success.

  2. Thank you and same to you! We have learned more than I ever thought we would learn thats for sure. Glad to hear you'll be following maybe you can keep me up to date on your progress as well. We do not know anyone locally in our situation so its been great talking to people on the cryobank forums it helps alot especially to feel we are not alone.
