Friday, February 25, 2011

Second IUI

We are all done with our IUI's this month, we did one at 24 hrs and one at 48 hrs post ovidrel, sooooo now we wait. Our donor counts were 7.9 million at 98% motility and 5.8 at 90% motility, RE said this was good and that they look for over 5 million.
I am definitly feeling anxious, I am trying to find so many other things to think about than March 9th, when we can test. I have been putting up a fence on our home so I just try to focus on that. I knew it would be hard but I didnt think this hard to not think about it. Of course after the pregnancy test it will be a matter of how many if there is a positive. Very exciting!


  1. Wow! That's so exciting! I bet it's hard to focus on anything else.... but at least you have a project to distract you for a bit. Good luck to you ladies!!!

  2. I saw the link to your blog on CCB and have been reading your posts. My partner and I are hoping to start the process in April or May and are very excited. She's 36 with no known fertility issues and I'm 29. I hope we're as lucky as you two to have so many follicles (although I'm not sure what we'd do with 5 children at once either). It sounds like such an exciting but nerve racking time. Good luck!
