Friday, January 14, 2011

Medical Process So Far

Well, like I said in my last blog we have gone to the doctor over the past few months and received a bit of information.
We first visited the GYN for my partners check up, and to reveal our intentions to her GYN and maybe get some guidance. Luckily for us our GYN is a rather liberal man and was very helpful in his guidance. He gave us advice on OB's in town that are also liberal, as he told us there are a few rather conservative OBs in town one that will not even see a heterosexual couple who is pregnant and unwed. This was advice we were rather thankful for. He also gave us a few fertility clinics and some information on them, we did alittle more research to decide on the one we wanted to actually use. We do have to drive about an hour south to arrive at our chosen destination, but its worth it.... the staff is great. Our GYN also prescribed Folic Acid, you can get this over the counter, but his prescription was a little higher dosage than you would normally purchase over the counter.
Upon choosing a fertility clinic we set up an initial consultation as to find out information on pricing, procedure, insurance coverage, and what cryobank they were accepting specimens from.
Our clinic was accepting specimens from California Cryobank, which was a clinic we had been looking at so that worked out well. We also found out that our clinic would perform IUI (intrauterine insemination) right from the beginning as opposed to going through ICI (intracervical insemination) and then moving into IUI if the ICI did not take after 3x's. This was also a plus as you are paying for the procedure and would like the best chances possible. To summarize it quickly ICI is how you would normally get pregnant through sexual intercourse which places the sperm further from the egg. IUI places the sperm higher up in the uterus as to make the journey a bit shorter. The IUI is a better option with AI (artificial insemination) due to the fact that the sperm is being "washed" so you are losing some of the specimen which in turn decreases your chances through ICI.
After our information session with the Nurse Practitioner we then had an ultrasound performed to check my partner's follicles to see how many she has or if there was any blockage in the fallopian tubes, basically to make sure everything was normal.

This is as far as we have gotten in the procedure, our next step is to wait for her to menstruate and then call the doctor's office to schedule an ultrasound to check for an egg in the follicle and to also discuss whether or not we would like to opt in for medicine to increase our chances of fertilization. The medicine is supposed to help time the dropping of the egg more accurately for insemination.

If anyone has any questions feel free to comment!

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